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JBE VS The People Of Louisiana
The citizens of Louisiana fought hard against the governor's tyrannical mandates. Some legislators joined them by circulating the Seabaugh petition. This attempt to use their authority to protect the rights of the people fell short. At the last minute Speaker of the...
Veto Override Imminent?
On June 29, 2021 House Speaker Clay Schexnayder and Senate President Page Cortez had a meeting with Governor John Bel Edwards. The next day Page Cortez released this statement: “While the Legislature has not yet received any official Veto Messages from the Governor, I...
Men Are Not Punching Bags
People advocating for abuse victims should advocate for all victims. Do men not deserve the same protections as women? It is time we acknowledge the double standard and work toward fixing it. We see a lot of messages advocating for abuse victims. Sometimes they are...
Clay’s Republican Turmoil
Most adults are aware of the devastating impact segregation had on America. It is crucial that we never repeat this part of history. This is why some lawmakers do not feel segregation should be pushed on children in Louisiana schools. Unfortunately, House Speaker,...
Republican Self Destruction
With friends like these, who needs enemies? Louisiana republicans are incapable of uniting even with a super majority. Democrat Ted James runs the speaker and the house. Maybe he is the leader everyone needs. You don't see democrats sacrificing each other in a fight...
State Legislators Want Control of Parks in Central, Louisiana
The honor among thieves in the Capitol is that legislators will not go against a bill concerning local politics. This leaves opportunity for questionable bills to be passed without push back. That will be the case with SB205, unless people show up to testify. Senator...
Government Wants Control of Your Children Starting at Age Five
Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Why is this our approach with educating our children? Senator Cleo Fields wrote a bill that will remove parents' right to decide what is best for their children. Only,...
Why Would JBE and Page Cortez Waste $3.2 Billion?
Louisiana improperly paid out more than $405 million in unemployment between January 2020 and September 2020. Even with this level of incompetence, John Bel Edwards and Page Cortez find replenishing this trust fund a top priority. Garret Graves and other officials are...
JBE’s Secret Taxpayer-Funded “Medical Center” at Chicot State Park
During the knee jerk reaction to Covid-19 Chicot State Park was set up as an isolation and quarantine overflow site. Per usual, no expense is spared when it is on the taxpayers dime. The trouble is not just the spending. Louisiana also deals with a lack of...
Money Talks: Central City Hall Plans Thwarted
After 25 years, City officials and citizens agreed on a property for Central City Hall. When it was time to move forward, a million dollar carrot was dangled in front of their noses. Now, Central is back to square one. Back to studies, negotiations, and a city...