There is NO Conservative movement in Louisiana


I know what you are thinking, “But Shawn, what about………” I’m going to have to stop you right there. I have lived in this state for 21 years. I have watched as my taxes have gone up, my insurance rates have gone through the roof, my cost of living has skyrocketed, and my liberties have been trampled upon. I watched as “conservative” legislators supposedly worked to “lower our taxes” when, in reality, they actually worked to swap our taxes to maintain state revenues.

We have to be honest with ourselves, folks:

The people of Louisiana are conservative, but the elected officials of Louisiana are not. Well, most of them aren’t. We do have a few great conservatives fighting both the left and the “good ole’ boy” network here in Louisiana.

“Conservative” Republicans run the state, and they have for years.

The makeup of our state government has looked like the following since 2008:Louisiana Republican History

(The top line is the year, the second line is the Governor, then the Senate, and then the House.)

But do you feel like we have a “conservative government?

I just got back from Florida on a business trip. Let me tell you, the attitude was different. The vibe of the state was different. You might say it is because of the beaches, the weather, or that Florida has Ron DeSantis as their governor. I am here to tell you it is more than that.

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The people are excited.

There is a feeling of optimism, hope, and a bright future.

Do you feel that way about Louisiana?

You don’t have to answer that.

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We both know the answer.

The Conservatives of Louisiana would rather maintain the status quo they have maintained for years going into 2025 instead of riding the train of success that will likely be one of the most historic four years in American history under President Trump than do anything to change Louisiana and make it better.

Don’t believe me?

Here are a few examples:

  • During the Covid madness, Republican Speaker of the House Clay Schexnayder and/or Republican President of the Senate Page Cortez could have ended the governor’s tyrannical lock-down measures. Instead, Schexnayder sent him a little love note in the form of an intentionally flawed petition while Cortez did nothing. What was the result? Almost two years of lockdowns, mask mandates, forced vaccinations, and loss of businesses and livelihoods. Thanks, Clay and Page, you’re real pals!

While these examples are painting with a broad brush, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you feel like Louisiana is moving in the right direction?
  • Do you think taxes will go down or up in the next few years?
  • Do you feel like the job market in Louisiana will get better or worse in the next few years?
  • Why are people leaving our state for greener pastures?
  • Why do our students leave once they graduate from college? (Many of them received TOPS to even go to college, and we will never see a return on that investment.)

Louisiana is truly unique.

Let me share a story with you. Twenty-three years ago, I met a beautiful girl with a funny accent at Bible College in another state. She was from New Orleans, and I just couldn’t get enough of her. We fell in love, and part of the deal of being able to marry her was that her dad wouldn’t allow it unless she came to LSU. So, I packed up my life and moved to Louisiana. I had only been to Louisiana a few times. But, I not only fell in love with a girl here, I fell in love with the people, places, and culture.

However, earlier this year, my wife, whose family is here, whose heritage is here, whose history is here, and whose ancestors settled this land, told me she was ready to leave. She didn’t want to be here anymore. The cost of living, taxes, crime, cost of insurance, etc., finally pushed her over the edge. She was done.

But guess what……she isn’t the only one that feels that way.

I have met TONS of people who feel that way.


Because we have a state government run primarily by “Conservative” Republicans who are not interested in making Louisiana better, they are interested in power; they are interested in lunches with lobbyists at Little Village or Ruth’s Chris. They are more interested in padding their resume to move to the next rung of politics than doing anything to truly make Louisiana better, more successful, or a better place to raise a family.

America is about to enter a golden age, where real change could happen and fundamentally change the course of American history. Louisiana could be a part of that, but it won’t happen until we, the people of Louisiana, rally behind a resistance movement, not a conservative movement.

Until that happens, we will see the same people, run the same campaigns, promise the same crap, and do absolutely nothing to make Louisiana better.

I, for one, am not willing to let that continue.

I hope you aren’t either.

For a New Louisiana,
Shawn Wilson


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