Critical Acclaim
Alexandra Alter
New York Times
A group called Citizens for a New Louisiana is seeking to remove taxpayer-funded pornography, erotica, and gender dysphoria propaganda from the children’s section of library systems.
Black Chronicle News Service
The Black Chronicle
Citizens for a New Louisiana agreed with Homza that the state’s election laws were among the best in the country.
Rob Boston - LGBTQ+ Equity
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Citizens for a New Louisiana, which Jones describes as an organization “that has wreaked havoc on public libraries across Louisiana.”
Erica Wagner
Financial Times (UK)
The initial Facebook post was made by a group called “Citizens for a New Louisiana.”... A deluge followed.
Greg LaRose
Louisiana Illuminator
Citizens for a New Louisiana appears to be keeping a tally of lawmakers who support a veto session
Citizens Gear
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