by Editorial Staff | Apr 10, 2023 | Legislature
There was a fisherman in the Atchafalaya Basin who one day came upon a beautiful ornate bottle in the muck and the mud. He picked it up and observed it was sealed with a cork, but despite being empty it was unusually heavy. Curious of his findings he set about to...
by Editorial Staff | Mar 3, 2023 | Sunshine
In case you didn’t realize it – 2023 is an election year! You can expect to be inundated with campaign flyers, phone polls and door knocks as candidates get in gear asking for your support. There will be campaign signs at every major intersection, full page newspaper...
by Michael Lunsford | Jul 20, 2021 | Louisiana
Jamie Pope contributed (greatly) to this article. Governor Edwards vetoed thirty-one (31) bills in the 2021 regular session. There are two that have garnered most of the attention. However, as we’ll outline below, a large number of these vetoes kill very good...