Critical Acclaim
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Citizens for a New Louisiana, which Jones describes as an organization “that has wreaked havoc on public libraries across Louisiana.”
Times Picayune
Executive director of the ultra-conservative nonprofit Citizens for a New Louisiana, Michael Lunsford, seized that opportunity
Timmy Hendrix
I AM EXTREMELY impressed with this production! Keep it coming for us little blue collars that can't be on the front lines.
The Guardian (UK)
But within days her life had been upended because of two posts on social media... Citizens for a New Louisiana, a group whom Jones knew had worked to defund a library in nearby Lafayette.
Scalawag Magazine
Hundreds of titles are being flagged by local residents and conservative groups such as Citizens for a New Louisiana for concerns that the [children's] books feature "pornography" and "pedophilia."
Citizens Gear
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