Sharon Hewitt

Position: Former State Senator
District: Senate District 01
Running for:
Moon Griffon Nickname:
Seat mate:
Phone: 985-646-6490 call
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: SenatorSharonHewitt
Twitter: @sharonhewitt
Party: Republican
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Members Only
Sharon Hewitt's Notable Efforts
- Introduced SB49 (2023) to increase penalties for the crime of creation or operation of a clandestine laboratory for the unlawful manufacture of certain controlled dangerous substances
- Introduced SB201 (2023) to authorize the State Bond Commission, pharmacy benefit manager monitoring advisory council, statewide advisory committees of the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, committees and subcommittees of the Law Institute, and the Louisiana Military Family Assistance Board to conduct periodic meetings via electronic means outside of a gubernatorially declared state of disaster or emergency provided certain present law requirements, including notice and agenda publication and mechanisms for public participation, are met.
- Introduced SB74 (2022) to provide that any qualified Louisiana voter who is not a candidate in the election may serve as a poll watcher
- Introduced SB195 (2022) to provide relative to safe harbor protections for nurses
- Introduced SB224 (2022) to provide for remote operations of the legislature during a gubernatorially declared state of emergency
- Introduced SB225 (2022) seeking a constitutional amendment to provide for remote operations of the legislature during a declared emergency
- Introduced SB258 (2022) to provide relative to voting and the holding of elections impaired as the result of a declared emergency or disaster.
- Introduced SB288 (2022) seeking a constitutional amendment to increase the composition of the Louisiana Supreme Court from six to eight associate justices
- Introduced SB292 (2022) to prohibit the Dept. of Environmental Quality or any other state agency adopting or enforcing a state or regional program to regulate greenhouse gas emissions for the purposes of addressing changes in atmospheric temperature without specific legislative authorization
- Introduced SB388 (2022) to prohibit the sale of certain abortion-inducing drugs without a prescription and provides for criminal penalties
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