Katrina Jackson

Position: Senate
District: Senate District 34
Running for:
Moon Griffon Nickname:
Seat mate: Mark Abraham
Phone: 318-343-2877 call
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.katrinarjackson.com
Facebook: katrinajacksonforsenate
Twitter: @KatrinaRJackson
Instagram: katrina.jackson.7528
Party: Democrat
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Katrina Jackson's Badges Earned


Katrina Jackson's Major Donors
Members Only
Katrina Jackson's Notable Efforts
- Voted AGAINST SB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) "Constitutional Carry" to allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns lawfully without a permit
- Voted AGAINST SB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) relative to liability for persons authorized to carry a concealed handgun
- Voted AGAINST HB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to create the Truth and Transparency in the Louisiana Criminal Justice System Program
- Voted AGAINST HB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide for immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances for peace officers and public entities that employ or appoint peace officers
- Voted AGAINST HB4 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to changes for post conviction relief procedures
- Voted AGAINST HB9 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to parole
- Voted AGAINST HB10 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to diminution of sentence.
- Voted in favor of HB23 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide with respect to procedures for challenging the constitutionality of a statute or law
- October 14, 2023 - Re-elected to the Louisiana Senate (District 34) receiving 71% of the vote.
- 2023 - Received a 98% Pro-Life Voting Record with Louisiana Right to Life as a State Legislator.
- Introduced SB105 (2023) to expand the income tax deduction for a dependent minor child to include an unborn child
- Introduced SB134 (2023) to authorize a tax credit for donations to certain public schools
- Introduced SB166 (2023) to authorize the division of administration to waive local match requirements for certain non-state entity projects
- Introduced SB189 (2023) to provide relative to electronic or video bingo machines and licensed premises
- Introduced SB198 (2023) to provide relative to consumable hemp products
- Introduced SB209 (2023) to add the term "elective abortion" to the definition of "abortion"
- Introduced SB218 (2022) to provide that raw data collected pursuant to these rules is considered confidential and not subject to the public records law
- Introduced SB219 (2022) to authorize judicial districts to accumulate funds for the purposes of retaining expert witnesses, and provides that the district public defender, in his discretion, will determine how payments will be administered and which experts will be paid. Further, allows a person who has retained private counsel, but is found to be indigent, to apply for funds for expert witnesses in the same manner as public defender clients
- Introduced SB221 (2022) to provide that the defendant may file a motion to reconsider sentence when the offender has been sentenced for greater than the current maximum, when the defendant was convicted of possession of marijuana in an amount of 14 grams or less and provides the motion must be in writing and must provide evidence necessary to support the claim. Further provides that the motion to reconsider sentence may be granted exparte, but if not granted exparte, the court must hold a contradictory hearing
- Introduced SB234 (2022) seeking a constitutional amendment to allow adult prosecution and enhanced penalties against juveniles in correctional facilities who commit assault or battery against an employee or juvenile
- Introduced SB240 (2022) to provide relative to termination of probation and expungements for crimes of violence
- Introduced SB294 (2022) to eliminate the death penalty for offenses committed on or after August 1, 2022
- Introduced SB334 (2022) to provide for attempted malfeasance in office convictions to be set aside and expunged
- Introduced SB342 (2022) providing that it is the intention of the legislature to prohibit and restrict abortion in order to preserve the life of each unborn child to the fullest extent permitted by law
- Introduced SB359 (2022) to provide for civil forfeiture reform
- Introduced SB489 (2022) to provide for suspension of certain licenses for failure to comply with subpoenas, or warrants, or court orders in paternity or child support cases
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