John Stefanski

John Stefanski's Badges Earned

John Stefanski's Major Donors
John Stefanski's Notable Efforts
- Voted against HB267 (2023 Regular Session) seeking a moratorium on Carbon Capture projects in Lake Maurepas.
- Endorsed by Lafayette Parish Sheriff Mark Garber
- Co-sponsored HB75 (2023) to provide relative to penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil
- Introduced HB90 (2023) to provide relative to penalties for distribution of fentanyl or carfentanil of an aggregate weight of less than 28 grams and an aggregate weight of 28 grams or more
- Introduced HB496 (2023) to make revisions to the La. Election Code
- Introduced HB497 (2023) to provide for qualifications of members and procedures of the La. Board of Chiropractic Examiners (board)
- Introduced HB498 (2023) to establish a mandatory minimum bail amount for certain offenses and requires a judge to provide written findings of fact and conclusions of law for setting bail in a less amount
- Introduced HB586 (2023) to provide for civil liability of persons engaging or facilitating illegal fentanyl trafficking or commercial activity
- Introduced HB640 (2023) to provide relative to historical horse racing fees
- Introduced and later withdrew HB11 (2022) relative to public comment on agenda items at meetings of public bodies
- Introduced and later withdrew HB14 (2022) relative to meetings of public bodies
- Introduced HB186 (2022) relative to unethical election practices related to making false statements about candidates
- Introduced HB441 (2022) to carve out on exception for classified police service in the City of Rayne requiring the appointing authorities in that city to select and appoint to any vacancy a person who is among the three highest in departmental seniority
- Introduced HB706 (2022) to create the crime of menacing and provide for criminal penalties
- Introduced HB829 (2022) providing additional regulation of alcoholic beverage delivery
- Introduced HB1016 (2022) to provide for licensing for people selling catalytic converters
- Introduced HCR90 (2022) requesting the State Board of Election Supervisors to study and make recommendations regarding extending the time period between the primary and general election and to make recommendations regarding ways to accomplish the election of congressmen in Louisiana on federal election day
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