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Podcast: Who are these “anti-censorship” people?
If, like me, you intrinsically feel that all of these political “anti-censorship” organizations that have popped up over the last few years seem connected… you’re right.
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Church Point: Magistrate verdict under scrutiny
Last week, Church Point Police Chief, Dale Thibodeaux, suddenly exited the Church Point Magistrate Court and withdrew all of his staff. Casual inquiries with local law enforcement suggest a defendant was being charged for disobeying a stop sign and driving with a...
Did Carlee fund the KKK mailer?
Today's update email from the Carlee campaign is an attempt to distance themselves from a recent mailer issued by United Ballot. In part, her email reads, the mailer "is not being funded by this campaign." However, we've found documents that suggest Carlee's campaign...
Jeremy Hidalgo’s tax record
George Washington once observed, "actions, not words, are the true criterion..." Said in a more modern vernacular, if success were measured by words, no one would fail. Instead, the wise measure success by achievements. In his "man in the arena" speech, Theodore...
CGI and the rise of Carlee
Diversifying the Lafayette economy away from the oil and gas industry was a hallmark of the Durel administration. Oil and gas was too unpredictable so the goal was to focus on something else. Even today, the decision to move in that direction continues to exact a...
Fake News doesn’t like us very much
When Carlee called us "the most influential voice in Lafayette," local news outlets took notice. Is it any surprise? We do the research no one else is doing. That research enables us to share insights that no one else can. One example is our LCG Council...
Help us get Bruce Conque’s travel expenses
"Discretion" is the superpower of government. We see "prosecutorial discretion" at play daily in the law enforcement world. Hillary gets off scott-free after violating the espionage act some 30,000 times, but one poor submariner gets thrown in jail for a single photo....
Setting the record straight
Conservative Commentator Michael Lunsford Pushes Back on Criticism He’s an “Outsider” Who is “Meddling” in Lafayette Parish Politics. For several years now, I’ve ignored criticism from a small but vocal group of angry liberals. They've been attacking my work as a...
Blanchard: shielding government’s internal practices from public view will fail the public
About two weeks ago, we told you about sunshine law violations being orchestrated by Kevin Blanchard and Carlee Alm-LaBar. The Article was titled CAUGHT: Did LCG Councilmen violate open meetings laws? Several days after publication, that article drew a phone call from...
Here’s what you can do about LCG violating your federal voting rights.
Legal opinions issued by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and the Louisiana Supreme Court claim that Lafayette Consolidated Government violated the suffrage rights of its citizens. These opinions also declare the State Supreme Court complicit in denying citizens...
CAUGHT: Did LCG Councilmen violate open meetings laws?
The council has been quick to complain about the Mayor-President having closed door meetings with potential vendors on various projects. One that should come to mind easily is the LUS Bernhard deal. The Mayor-President having closed door meetings generally isn't a...
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