Our work from around Louisiana
The Morris Amendment
We’re not done! December brings us a new batch of Constitutional Amendments. Here, we’ll discuss proposed changes to the Judiciary Commission of Louisiana and how it handles judicial misconduct.
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We can’t make a New Louisiana without your help. Here’s how to join the effort.
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A Visit to DC Mardi Gras
Have you ever been to Washington DC Mardi Gras? Our own Jamie Pope made her first trip recently, and shares some of her experiences with you.
Don’t be fooled – Louisiana’s elections aren’t broken
Popeye said it best, “That’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more.” As a sitting member of Louisiana’s Voting Systems Commission, the tripe being passed off as meaningful critique of our election systems has finally surpassed what any reasonable person can be expected to tolerate.
I am a Conservative Public Librarian
Some weeks ago, we published an invitation for conservative public library employees to contact us. Surprisingly, we had several reach out what it’s like to be a conservative librarian in a woke system. Here’s what we hope is the first installment of these stories.
Are your tax dollars subsidizing Short Term Rentals? AirBnB and VRBO are commercial enterprises, but pay 41% less than the commercial tax rate.
We’re Winning the War Against Library Infiltration
It’s not every day you get called out for being too effective by the President of the American Library Association.
PULLED: Cook drops conflicted property giveaway
We’ve always said that our public employees tend to do a better job when they know someone is watching. Could this be yet another example of our watchfulness actually changing bad behavior in local government?
Another Boo-Boo by K-Bou
Yikes! After Kenneth Boudreaux finally admitted that his pursuit of and appointment to a Civil Service Board seat was illegal, now he wants to run for City Council?!
In the past few months, we’ve been conducting an investigation into what appears to be Lafayette Councilman, Nanette Cook, casting votes on the City Council that have directly benefited her own family’s business interest.
New Year, New Louisiana
Just imagine how quickly Louisiana would improve if only her residents paid as much attention to their local governments as they are paying to the Speaker of the House race in Washington DC. For a moment, let’s reset your focus back to where you might actually have some influence: your own back yard.
Local Government Likes it Dark
Big government colluding with big tech is big news. Your right to know is in jeopardy. However, you may not realize that small governments right here in Louisiana are also accelerating their efforts to keep you in the dark.
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