Did Carlee fund the KKK mailer?

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Today’s update email from the Carlee campaign is an attempt to distance themselves from a recent mailer issued by United Ballot. In part, her email reads, the mailer “is not being funded by this campaign.” However, we’ve found documents that suggest Carlee’s campaign has indeed funded United Ballot, who sent the mailer. (Remember, red text links to source documents)

The side of the mailer we’ve seen was also posted a few weeks ago on the United Ballot’s facebook page. It included likenesses of national, local, and state-wide Republican candidates in front of images of the military arm of the Democratic Party. It causes quite a stir. If you didn’t know, the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party to influence local politics. It seems little has changed.

Carlee’s United Ballot connection

Some months ago, Carlee hired Burning Stick Creative and paid them a hefty $160,000 fee to help manage her campaign. To put that into perspective, just the fee was more than every other candidate for Mayor-President had raised in total money combined. The payments can be found in section E-1 of the 30-days before the primary report ($35,100) and the 10-days before the primary report ($125,408.21).

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Burning Stick then showed up as a $5,000 donor on United Ballot’s campaign report. Then, when the United Ballot mailer showed up in mailboxes ahead of the October 12th primary election, Carlee’s name was on it. The United Ballot folks also rented a Penske van and hung all manner of signs on it, including Carlee’s.

Who’s on that KKK flyer?

The mailer, linked above, includes several Republican candidates. Of course the mailer’s putting likenesses of Republicans over images of the military wing of the Democratic Party is factually challenged, The reason we’re returning to this artwork here is to re-emphasize that it includes Carlee’s opponent.

Considering the indirect route we’ve shown between the Carlee campaign and United Ballot, the fact that they continue to attack her opponent with fictions can’t be mere coincidence. Can it?

Where’s the rest of the money?

We’ve identified $5,000 that came directly from Carlee’s highest paid consultant to the United Ballot PAC. We’d like to know if this expenditure should appear on Carlee’s campaign finance report? It’d also be interesting to know what other inconvenient expenditures may have been filtered through Burning Stick Creative?

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