Current News Items

CAUGHT: Did LCG Councilmen violate open meetings laws?

CAUGHT: Did LCG Councilmen violate open meetings laws?

The council has been quick to complain about the Mayor-President having closed door meetings with potential vendors on various projects. One that should come to mind easily is the LUS Bernhard deal. The Mayor-President having closed door meetings generally isn't a...

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“Fix Drainage” is the new Hate Speech

“Fix Drainage” is the new Hate Speech

At the April 9th city-parish council meeting various council members voted to take $10 million away from an $18 million drainage ordinance to spend on libraries and recreation. While performing this action, councilman Kenneth Boudreaux said, "maybe drainage is a...

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After the “fix” are maps STILL wrong?

After the “fix” are maps STILL wrong?

This crazy mantra from the fixers is starting to get old. It was repeated over and over during the court case against LCG's bungling attempt to fix their own charter with an ordinance. The maps were right, they said, it's just the descriptions that were wrong. It was...

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LCG’s 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is out

LCG’s 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is out

Lafayette Consolidate Government's 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is out! (Click the red text to download your own copy). This is one of the best places to find high-level mis-prioritized spending going on inside LCG. A few key points we discussed earlier...

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Unelected bureaucrats to raise taxes in Iberia

Unelected bureaucrats to raise taxes in Iberia

Voters are unwilling to pass new taxes. As percentages or sales or property values, taxes go up automatically ever year already. Bureaucrats are looking for new revenue sources. Iberia Parish's proposal would allow bureaucrats to raise taxes without a vote of the...

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