Current News Items

Vetoed bills for the override session

Vetoed bills for the override session

Jamie Pope contributed (greatly) to this article. Governor Edwards vetoed thirty-one (31) bills in the 2021 regular session. There are two that have garnered most of the attention. However, as we'll outline below, a large number of these vetoes kill very good bills,...

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JBE VS The People Of Louisiana

JBE VS The People Of Louisiana

The citizens of Louisiana fought hard against the governor's tyrannical mandates. Some legislators joined them by circulating the Seabaugh petition. This attempt to use their authority to protect the rights of the people fell short. At the last minute Speaker of the...

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Veto Override Imminent?

Veto Override Imminent?

On June 29, 2021 House Speaker Clay Schexnayder and Senate President Page Cortez had a meeting with Governor John Bel Edwards. The next day Page Cortez released this statement: “While the Legislature has not yet received any official Veto Messages from the Governor, I...

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Men Are Not Punching Bags

Men Are Not Punching Bags

People advocating for abuse victims should advocate for all victims. Do men not deserve the same protections as women? It is time we acknowledge the double standard and work toward fixing it. We see a lot of messages advocating for abuse victims. Sometimes they are...

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Clay’s Republican Turmoil

Clay’s Republican Turmoil

Most adults are aware of the devastating impact segregation had on America. It is crucial that we never repeat this part of history. This is why some lawmakers do not feel segregation should be pushed on children in Louisiana schools. Unfortunately, House Speaker,...

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Paula Davis’s $2 BILLION tax transfusion

Paula Davis’s $2 BILLION tax transfusion

You may remember the fake "Fiscal Cliff" narrative JBE put out a few years ago. He called one special session after another, demanding (in two-year-old fashion) that taxes must be raised, or the entire state of Louisiana might just stuff off into the Gulf of Mexico....

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