Current News Items

Lafayette residents should not lose sight of the next tax…

Lafayette residents should not lose sight of the next tax…

Similar to Lafayette’s five recently created taxing districts, the solution is always the need for “more money.” However, the conversation gets interesting when you ask what they plan to spend the money on. In the case of the five taxing districts (now three-years old) the answer is, “we don’t know yet.” That scenario also fits nicely into the recent conversations about building a new jail.

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Watching and waiting for Ronnie “Judas” Johns

Watching and waiting for Ronnie “Judas” Johns

Remember Ronnie “Judas” Johns? He was the villain of the 2021 veto override session. For simply not showing up (so there wouldn’t be enough votes to override any of JBE’s terrible vetoes) the governor rewarded him with a six-figure salary. Now he’s hoping that so much time has passed that you and the Senate Governmental Affairs committee will have forgotten all about it. Except that we’ll be here making sure everyone remembers.

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It’s all about the map

It’s all about the map

Several local RPECs (Republican Parish Executive Committees) have taken up a resolution supporting a veto override for Louisiana’s US Congressional districts. This is very odd behavior. The reason seems to be because the State Republican Party hasn’t taken up the cause, and neither has any US Congressman in Louisiana. So, it’s up to the fraud squad to press the Republican legislators to support this effort another way.

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No fiscal impact?

No fiscal impact?

That “no fiscal impact” box always seems to be ticked on ordinances coming out of local government. Whether or not they actually believe there will be no fiscal impact remains to be proven. We’ve seen it so very many times, that it was finally time to take a really good look at one of these. Turns out we were right. It’s just another unnecessary project, another bridge to nowhere, another taxpayer funded boondoggle.

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Our request to this elected office was narrowly tailored to the calendar, salary, expenses and staff within the office. Much like the various Clerks of Courts throughout the state we received a virtually identical boiler plate response from the Assessors asserting ‘Responsive documents in our possession are available for inspection and copying during regular business hours at our offices located at [FILL IN THE BLANK].’ This is no more of a response to our request for public records than it is a tactic being employed to set-up a defense for failing to provide the requested records. The position illustrated here is that if you wanted to see the documents all you must do is show up at our office and the records will be readily available.

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Our requests for public records were sent while many Coroners were gathered at the Louisiana State Coroners Association meeting. Many of those in attendance openly discussed our public records request. Some dismissed us as some “conspiracy” because it had been circulated to so many Coroners in a short period of time. Some fired back with a boiler plate letter rambling on about public records law, citing irrelevant Attorney General opinions and claiming that the requests were “broad” and “unreasonably burdensome.” Many demanded a deposit, one office upwards of $7,000, in order to fulfill our requests.

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