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City of Broussard Races 2022

City of Broussard Races 2022

To fix Louisiana, start by fixing your small town government. The two competing factions in the City of Broussard are making attempts to do just that by offering the voters a unique choice. One side prefers rigorous debate in an independent council. The other side just wants to follow the Mayor’s lead. In what group is your candidate?

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Lafayette Parish Races

Lafayette Parish Races

Contrasted with other information, one of the easiest ways to figure out how a candidate might act once elected is to know who’s financing them. This one isn’t necessarily intended to be read top-to-bottom. Instead, if you’re in Lafayette Parish, identify the city race that will be on your ballot and check out who’s been giving to the candidates.

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Buz LeBlanc had one job

Buz LeBlanc had one job

Party Parish Executive Committees have one job: endorse candidates. However, Buz LeBlanc, the chairman of the St. Martin Republican PEC and candidate for the chief law enforcement officer of Breaux Bridge, declared that any endorsement violates the rules! Say what? Should someone who would arbitrarily change rules when it suits him be elected as a Chief of Police?

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Victory: Lafayette Library Board appoints another Conservative

Victory: Lafayette Library Board appoints another Conservative

It’s been four years since drag queen activist Dylan Pontiff stood before the Lafayette City-Parish council and famously said, “we’re here to groom the next generation.” Since then, the Lafayette community has been united against the use of government resources to sexualize our children. That same battle now rages across the entire state of Louisiana. However, the Lafayette Parish Council has remained vigilant against leftist-progressive attempts to reinsert their agenda into the Lafayette Public Library.

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