Can’t VS Won’t

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One taxpayer funded birdcage liner is reporting that legislators have no power over the Louisiana Department of Health’s decision to add Covid-19 “vaccines” to the list of vaccinations required for school and child day care. Fortunately, this is untrue. They have plenty of power. The senate just needs to do their job.

The House Committee on Health and Welfare has scheduled an oversight hearing for December 6, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. in House Committee Room 5. It was scheduled soon after reports that the Louisiana Department of Health proposed an administrative rule to add the Covid-19 “vaccine” to the state immunization schedule.

Where has Senate been? Senate President Page Cortez said the Senate will likely hold its own hearing, but has not stated when. By the Senate not scheduling a meeting, they are acquiescing to the interests of Louisiana Department of Health (and the Governor) instead of representing Louisiana citizens. All it takes is the chairman, or a majority of members of the Senate Health & Welfare committee to request a meeting.

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A political Decision at Best

Rule making is similar to enacting law. Rules are enforceable. By adding this “vaccine” to the list, Louisiana creates barriers to school attendance. This is especially worrisome after College and University responses to exemptions. Students were expected to test constantly, miss in person classes, and other types of exclusion.

Legislators gave Louisiana Department of Health power to add to the schedule as long as it’s a vaccine preventable disease. These rules are in place for the bureaucracy to take action that is in the best interest of the people. By adding a non vaccine preventable virus to the schedule, Louisiana Department of Health’s decision to add Covid-19 “vaccines” has shown they can’t be trusted with that power.

This kind of hotly contested political move is not in anyone’s best interest. To demand it has to happen immediately is flagrant politicization of the agency. It drags the school systems into unnecessary drama.

Governor John Bel Edwards and top medical official of Louisiana Department of Health, Joe Kanter, admit the virus is not vaccine preventable.

It’s not that they can’t, it’s that they won’t.

Legislators have the power to change any rule via concurrent resolution. There is also the option to suspend the law allowing schools to prohibit attendance. This can only be done during session. If legislators chose to, they could call a special session or even address this in February during redistricting. With so much down time during redistricting, legislators could do their jobs instead of sitting around playing politics. Do not let the media or your legislators tell you they do not have the power. They may choose not to use it, but they have it.


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