A few bills we’re watching – May 22, 2023

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During session, I’m in the capitol almost every day. It’s important for legislators to see us in the building because, as the public’s employees, they tend to work a little harder when they know they’re being watched. Here are a few bills I’ve taken special interest in that have had some action recently.


👎 ❌ HB 461 by Rep. DuBuisson (R 4/10) – Legalize certain abortions. Involuntarily deferred (8-5) in House Criminal Justice (page 7)

👎 ❌ HB 598 by Rep. Newell (D 1/10) – Amends definitions of abortion. Involuntarily deferred (7-5) in House Criminal Justice (page 8)

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Leave the Kids Alone

👍 ✅ HB 81 by Rep. Crews (R 8/10) – Requires public school employees use biological/given names and pronouns for students unless parents provide written consent to do otherwise. Passed House 62-32 Pending Senate Education.

👍 ✅ HB 648 by Rep. Firment (R 7/10) – Prohibits altering the sex of a minor child. Passed House 71-42. Pending Senate Health & Welfare.

👍 ✅ SB 7 by Sen. Cloud (R 8/10) – state-wide library policy to limit sexually explicit material for minors. Passed Senate 27-11. Scheduled to be heard in House Education on May 22, 2023.

👍 ✅ HB 77 by Rep. Schlegel (R 7/10) –  Allows the Attorney General to investigate and pursue commercial entities that publish or distribute material harmful to minors. Passed House 102-1. Pending Senate committee assignment.

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👍 ✅ HB 466 by Rep. Horton (R 8/10) – Bans discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools. Passed House 67-28. Pending Senate committee on Education.

Health Freedom

👍 ✅ HB 399 by Rep. Edmonston (R 9/10) – Requires immunization communication from schools include exemption information. Passed House 85-6. Pending Senate Education committee.

👍 ✅ HB 182 by Rep. Edmonston (R 9/10) – no person shall be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of enrollment or attendance at any public or nonpublic school. Passed House 64-28. Pending Senate Education committee.

👍 ❌ HB 372 by Rep. Edmonston (R 9/10) – United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization do not have jurisdiction in this state. Fail to pass House Health and Welfare 6-8 (Page 2)

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👍 ✅ HB 291 by Rep. Owen (R 8/10)– No patient left alone. Passed House 100-0. Pending Senate final passage 5/22/23


👍 ✅ HB 121 by Rep. Amedee (R 9/10) – Requires at least one recess period per school day in K-5 schools. Passed House 66-28. Pending Senate committee assignment.

👍 ✅ HB 98 by Rep. Lance Harris (R 6/10) – Expands school choice. Passed House 61-37. Pending Senate Education committee.

Parental Rights

👍 🟡 HB 152 by Rep. Amedee (R 9/10) – Adds the fundamental right of parents to control their children. Fell short of 70 votes required on 5/16. Subject to call for final passage 5/22/23.

Carbon Capture

👍 ❌ HB 10 by Rep. Carter (D 1/10) – Removes eminent domain authority of carbon dioxide storage facility operators. Involuntarily deferred (9-4-1) in House Natural Resources.

👍 ❌ HB 35 by Rep. Carter (D 1/10) – Prohibits carbon dioxide sequestration projects in St. Helena Parish. Failed to pass (5-7-1) in House Natural Resources (page 2).

2nd Amendment

👍 ✅ HB 131 by Rep. McCormick (R 10/10) – Constitutional carry. Passed House Criminal Justice with amendments (Page 3). Floor debate scheduled 5/23.


👍 ✅ HB 311 by Rep. Miguez (R 9/10) – Bans the use of outside money for Louisiana elections. Passed House 70-30. Pending Senate committee assignment 5/22.


👍 ✅ HB 91 by Rep. Goudeau (R 7/10) – restitution payments to the minor child of the victim of vehicular homicide. Passed House 58-36. Pending Senate committee assignment.

👍 ✅ SB 169 by Sen. Mizell – Requires law enforcement to submit every reported sexual assault collection kit to a forensic laboratory. Passed Senate 35-0. Scheduled for House Committee on Appropriations 5/22/23.


👍 ✅ HB 462 by Rep. Edmonds (R 8/10) – Fiscal transparency for school boards. Passed House 97-1. Pending Senate Education committee.


🫣❓HB 1 by Rep. Zeringue (R 3/10) – Louisiana operating budget Passed House 72-33. Pending Senate Finance committee.

👎 ❌ HB 149 by Rep. Marino – Legislative pay raise. Failed House Appropriations committee 5-14 (page 4).


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